Saturday, July 18, 2015

Partidas, un poema, Indran Amirthanayagam


Lima querida, otra vez con neblina,
el dia de la partida, el mar casi a la vista,
la inmensa bóveda gris, y en mis manos
unas rebanadas de baklava, hecha en casa
para el restaurante miraflorina del cual
me despido repartiendo su miel, sus nueces,
este dulce del ombligo del planeta, parte
del Lima donde el amor me da vida y
el corazón del amigo resiste su infarto,
y mi hija en unas semanas se despida, yo, ahora.

Indran Amirthanayagam, el 15 de julio, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015


How to renew a blog, give it a kick, wake it up from a slumber that has lasted months and months, inter-spliced with a program that went awry and blocked access to the once much visited page? How indeed? This is the way, in unyielding English prose. I have danced in my other languages, become quite skilled in the intervening period. A book resulted, Aller Retour Au Bord de la Mer. Another is forthcoming in Spanish. But in English  let me pull out the tongue from its white-haired and wormy nest.  Are you ready to join me in this feast of rebirth?