From Florida, with Love
K.K.M are the initials of the federal judge who just struck down the C.D.C rule
requiring face masks on public transport, buses, trains, planes. K.K.M. says
the C.D.C exceeded its authority and failed to follow proper procedure in setting
the rule, whose target, the pesky Covid 19, is irrelevant in her view. The millon
U.S. dead from various variations, the latest known as BA.2, did not enter
her judgment, could not be admitted into her considered thinking. No, for K.K.M
the rule has been violated, or perhaps misinterpreted in the name of some greater
good, like preservation of life, or supporting the damned Democrats. Yes, folks,
KKM was appointed by the former president, the orange-haired preacher of fire,
brimstone and falsehoods, who tore off his mask on the parapet of the White House
for the world to see ( while gloating). The footer to the palace scene failed to note
that he had just been administered a rare drug that cured him of the virus
that ravaged his fellow Americans. But now, all of this will be corrected,
the rule enforced, and from a federal court in the sunny state of Florida.
Indran Amirthanayagam,c) April 18,2022