Friday, June 26, 2020

Too Much

Too Much

I don't think anyone has ever written a book about this,
he tells me, tongue in jowl, but I suspend my disbelief
just long enough falling completely before the joke
then smiling widely and on all sides of my face
and the subject. So, yes I am writing a book about love.
I wrote before about a tsunami and an uncivil war. Now
I write not quite about a tsunami although sadness hits
like a wall of water and I have visited black, bottomless
pits and the edges of ponds that seem like rousing rivers
roaring to a nearby precipitous drop. And I have felt
slings like teargas canisters fogging my eyes and head
as I swig a tumbler of whiskey and peer at the midnight
screen imagining the street scene near the White House,
citizens protesting against murder of black brothers
and sisters as I think of my island love whose heart
is no longer open to nostalgias of the past once
it decided that geography, a couple of bodies of water,
an ocean, and the gulf of age, were too much.

Indran Amirthanayagam, c) June 17, 2020

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